Anemone, Burgundy

Anemones are available from February through May.   This richly dark colored anemone is so beautiful! Anemones will get longer and larger in the vase as they open.

Black Baccara

Black Baccara is like darkest red-black velvet; when wide open it is dark red in the center. Darker than Black Magic. This picture makes it look red but it is really quite dark. Plush velvet texture in the petals creates unusual depth in this smallish rose. The Black Baccara standard rose is available from late […]


Bordeaux by Peterkort Roses – Oh how many shades of red there are! Lighter than Black Baccara, darker than Prestige. A special matte finish on the petals gives this rose a unique look.  Bordeaux is a standard rose with a larger head.  It’s available from late April through December.  

Coxcomb Celosia

Coxcomb celosia is the most awesome fuzzy flower around, guaranteed to have people asking, “What kind of flower is THAT!” Coxcomb is blooming from August through the beginning of November. This wonderful soft flower baby is a traditional favorite in Asia and also in Mexico where it is associated with Day of the Dead celebrations. […]

Dried Flowers

We have dried spray roses, ranunculus, maidenhair fern, and lisianthus available in the late summer, fall and winter. Great for all those wreaths and projects!

Lilies – Martagon

Introducing a new and unusual lily variety – the Martagon lily. Small flowers on long stems give this lily a totally different look. Available only in May and June and hard to find, martagons are a different lily species than the orientals and asiatics we are accustomed to seeing in bouquets.